RainWater Cambodia
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Improved Bicycle Pump
Concrete Ring Tank
Ferrocement Tank
High tank for flood zone
Jumbo Jar
Handwashing station
One way valve
One Off Donations
RainWater Cambodia often receives enquires from people interested in supporting our work and there are a variety of options that can be used to make a donation. The first is to simply get in touch with our office using the contact page so we can discuss your options for making a donation. Many donations that are received in this manner can be applied to help meet the core costs for running our programmes, operation and maintenance of equipment and our staff salaries. This funding is critical to the ongoing success of RainWater Cambodia and helps ensure that we can continue to meet the needs of Cambodian people throughout the country. You can also specify if you would like your donation marked for a specific area of our work or a specific hardware product for a household or institution. Please take a look at the various options below.
Gift of Life
This programme is designed for people who are interested in sponsoring a specific aspect of our work such as installing a rain water harvesting system for a household or school. There are also smaller items that can be purchased and these are listed below. All sponsors will receive an email – once the item they have purchased is delivered – which will include who received it, a description of where it was installed and a photograph of the actual location. If you would like to donate any of the items listed below to a worthy recipient please use the contact us page.
Hand Pump
A simple and easy to maintain hand operated pump.
Installed cost – $20
Ceramic water filter
These ceramic water filters made by RDIC are a tested and proven way to treat poor quality water – lasts at least 2 years in the field.
Installed cost – $10
Treadle Pump
More comfortable to use for long periods of time than the hand pump and able to pump larger amounts of water – the treadle pump is a favourite of gardners throughout Cambodia.
Installed cost – $40
Bicycle pump
Our most comfortable, versatile and powerful pump – very useful for larger systems, especially when a header tank is used.
Installed cost – $100
Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Toilet
Approximately 85% of Cambodians do not have access to a toilet and the associated health problems are predictable and often tragic. This item represents a fantastic investment for the health and well being of an entire family. The design of the toilet prevents bad smells and flies from affecting the user while the concrete rings under the ground prevent the heavy wet season rains from damaging the system.
Installed cost – $120
Pour-flush “Easy Latrine”
This latrine developed by IDE is a very simple design made from cement mortar. It is cheap and affordable for even the poorest families and has seen huge uptake in recent years. Cement rings form a soak away septic tank and a slab and chamber form the above-ground component. Shelter options are available starting from around US$30.
Installed cost – $40 plus shelter
Jumbo jar (3,000 litres), roof materials and guttering
Three thousand litres of water storage represents the minimum standard that the Department of Rural Water Supply has mandated for the average family – approximately five people. This provides only enough water for drinking and cooking and the householder needs to carefully control how much water is used in order to outlast the four month long dry season. Other water must still be collected from potentially polluted sources for washing, cleaning, gardening and animal husbandary.
Installed cost – $165
Concrete ring tank (5,000 litres), roof materials and guttering
While the minimum standard for household storage is 3,000 litres for drinking and cooking, RainWater Cambodia strongly recommends that a larger system is installed if this is financially possible. Our 5,000 litre concrete ring tanks provide more lee-way if the weather is unusally hot or the dry season extends for longer than normal. Of course, other water must still be collected from potentially polluted sources for washing, cleaning, gardening and animal husbandary.
Installed cost – $230-$350
Health centre system with ferrocement tank (5,000 litres)
When someone comes to visit a health centre it is essential that clean, high quality water is available. This helps to prevent the further spread of disease and directly impacts on women’s health. This is because a small health centre is often where Cambodian women give birth under difficult conditions and with limited access to medecine and anesthetics. The staff also really appreciate having clean water to drink and is one of the few luxuries they can enjoy on a government salary of approximately $40 per month.
Installed cost – $800
School system with ferrocement tank (25,000 litres)
During Summer in Cambodia temperatures often reach over 35 degrees with very high humidity levels. Classrooms are very basic without even a fan and by break time everyone is ready to cool off. We provide for this by supplying watertanks and tap stands that allow everyone to get their fair share of clean water. Depending on the donor other options such as hand washing facilities and water for pour flush toilets can be provided. The toilets in particular can make a huge difference to the attendence rate for girls, especially once they reach high school age. Providing high quality drinking water at the school not only keeps students happy while at school but as students take the “safe water” message home it is spread through the wider community.
Installed cost – $1,500
Sponsorship Options
For people interested in supporting the work of RainWater Cambodia on an ongoing basis there are several sponsorship options available.
Support a village
Approximately 50% of people living in the countryside of Cambodia do not have access to safe water. In the wet season Cambodian poeple like to drink rainwater but often they don’t have enough storage capacity to last through the dry season. Also the contamination risks from traditional rainwater storage are great, meaning this potentially clean water source is causing health problems for children and adults alike.
If you want to help the children of a village in rural of Cambodia have to access to safe water you can donate through RainWater Cambodia to sponsor a programme which will improve the lives of a village by improving their quality of drinking water. We use local materials in our systems when available such as wood to build the frame for the roof harvesting area or rocks and sand to use in the concrete.
By sponsoring a village project, the villagers will have a better house to live in with a good roof which does not leak and so when it rains, the villagers smile.
Support the organisations core costs
RainWater Cambodia is a local NGO established by a concerned group of Cambodian’s and expatriates in order to help the poorest people in Cambodia gain access to clean water, sanitation and an improved standard of living. The organisation relies totally on donations and project funds for its survival. Project funds (when available) vary a great deal from year to year and this makes it difficult to expand our activities, retain staff and plan for the future.
Supporting RainWater Cambodia directly is an effective way to ensure that help reaches those who need it most. Your support will also help to build the capacity of our local staff, provide employment in local villages and ensure that the good work can continue.
Corporate Sponsors
RainWater Cambodia would like to invite potential corporate donors to consider supporting our work. There are a number of ways that a company can become involved, but please consider the options outlined below as suggestions only. We are happy to work with you to come up with an innovative, tailor made sponsorship package.
- Sponsor one or more of our village training sessions
- Provide funds so that our key staff can attend an international conference or training seminar
- Vehicles are urgently needed to allow us to do even more work in the field
- More office equipment to help boost our productivity
- Seven colour fish are needed for our Dengue mitigation work – why not buy an aquarium for a school?
- Choose from the many hardware options on this page
- Etc……
For further enquires please use the contact page on this website.