RainWater Cambodia
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Local Students
RainWater Cambodia is always interested to hear from Cambodian students looking to get a head start in their career by gaining hands on skills in the development sector. Volunteer opportunities are available in the areas of administration, accounting, data analysis and project field work. English is commonly spoken in the office and for report preparation so it would be a big advantage to be able to speak and read to a reasonable standard.
There will be opportunities to interact with international research students as part of your placement at RainWater Cambodia. This will likely involve some travel to the field to participate in research studies and learn about programe design. RainWater Cambodia also works with many international NGO’s and you will be exposed to industry best practice as a result. Placements can be either part time or full time and the hours can usually be arranged to suit your study requirements.
These positions are great fun and students often get to take on considerable responsibility and get right involved with the projects! A per dieme is available when travelling in the field.

Overseas Students
We have hosted a number of student researchers and volunteers from different countries who have worked with us across a variety of collaborative projects. A typical research project may involve a student being in Cambodia for at least one month while conducting field-data collection and analysis but it all depends on your level of involvement and area of research. We always pair our international students with a Cambodian student to ensure that your research project stays on track and to help with any translation issues. This also ensures a good cultural exchange and allows our local students and staff to be exposed to an international standard of research methodology and to improve their technical english language skills.
International student research placements are normally organised through your university department and in collaboration with your supervisor to ensure that the maximum benefit for everyone is achieved. It is expected that you would be self funding for the duration of your time in Cambodia and this would include any costs associated with document translation, data collection and transport to and from the field.
We are particularly interested to hear from Masters or PhD level students wanting to carry out longer term research projects (3 months +) looking into the health and financial impact of our work. This data is vital in order to evaluate past and current projects and enable our future programmes to be better designed to make more impact. Project evaluation will also strengthen future bids for donor funds. The information you gather will make a real impact in the lives of some of Cambodia’s poorest people.
As you can see from the picture in this section there are also plenty of opportunities to get involved in the hands-on aspects of our work if you want to!
Current Vacancies
There are currently no vacancies with RainWater Cambodia. However, we are always interested to hear from well qualified applicants with a genuine interest in development work. The ability to speak and write in both Khmer and English would be considered an advantage.